Healthy Young People’s Network (HYPN) Milton Keynes Research and Resources

Welcome to the Healthy Young People’s Network (HYPN) Milton Keynes Research and Resources page.

The HYPN steering group and local public health Children and Young People’s team have put together a range of useful, relevant resources and research to support Children and Young people’s Health and Wellbeing in Milton Keynes. Data, Documents and website links are available below. (Please note this list in not exclusive).

Develop an in-depth understanding of health and wellbeing needs of children, young people and families

Milton Keynes Children and Young People Data

Every two years the OHID Child Health Profile  is published the latest (March 2021). Overall, comparing local indicators with England averages, the health and wellbeing of children in Milton Keynes is better than England.

Key findings: Click into this: Public health interventions can improve child health at a local level. The teenage pregnancy rate is similar to England, with 84 girls becoming pregnant in a year. 12.0% of women smoke while pregnant which is worse than England. Data on new-borns receiving breast milk as their first feed is not available for this area. Data on breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks after birth is not available for this area. The MMR immunisation level does not meet recommended coverage (95%). By age 2, 92.5% of children have had one dose, this shows no significant change in 2022. Dental health is better than England. 18.1% of 5-year-olds have experience of dental decay. Levels of child obesity are similar to England. 9.3% of children in Reception and 19.8% of children in Year 6 are obese. The rate of child inpatient admissions for mental health conditions at 87.2 per 100,000 is similar to England. The rate of self-harm (10-24 years) at 279.4 per 100,000 is better than England. The level of child poverty is better than England with 17.7% of children living in relative low-income families. The rate of households with children that are homeless or at risk of homelessness is worse than England. 3.6% of babies were born with a low birth weight (less than 2,500g). This is worse than England. The recent trend shows no significant change.

Child Population Data

Live births (2019) MK 3,273, with Regional 93,664 and National at 619,505

Children aged 0 to 4 years MK 18,700 (6.9%), Regional 520,700 (5.7%), National at 3,299,600 (5.9%)

Children aged 0-19 years MK 74,000 (27.4%), Regional 2,173,500 (23.7%), National at (23.6%)

Children aged 0-19 years (projected) 70,700 (25.5%) Regional 2,180,700 (22.8%), National at 13,483,800 (22.9%)  

Further annual updates on data  

Child mortality 1-17 years (2018 – 20) MK 12.2 per 100,000, with Regional data average being at 10.3 and National at 17.7.MK is similar to regional.

Children in absolute low-income families (u16) (2019/20) 14.2%, Regional 11.1%, National at 15.1% MK is green - no significant change

Teenage Mothers (20/21) MK 0.4%, Regional 0.4% National 0.6% MK is amber – no significant change

Children in Care (20/21) MK 57 per 100,000, Regional data average is 53 England 67 - no significant change

Hospital admissions for mental health <18 years (20/21) MK 79.4 per 100,000, Regional data average is 99.4 and National is at 87.5 - no significant change

The rate of self-harm (10-24 years) at 271.3 per 100,000 is better than the region 505.6 and Nationally 421.9. MK is green – no significant change 

Amber moving into red or red status

·       Population vaccination Dtap/IPV/Hib is decreasing and getting worse.

·       Red status: Smoking status at time of delivery

·       Red status: Homelessness – households with dependent children owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act.

Related OHID data reports:


Improving health outcomes for vulnerable children and young people

Mental health in pregnancy and infants

Speech, language and communication

Indicators green and showing large improvements

School Readiness % of children achieving good level of development at end of reception – increasing and getting better

Further analysis of the health & wellbeing needs of Milton Keynes can be found in Children’s JSNA Chapters, Health and Wellbeing Strategy and annual DPH reports.


Children’s JSNA Chapters

Director of Public Health’s Report 2021 Impact of Covid 19

Children and Young People Emotional Wellbeing is available on page 10 and there is a whole section page 13 onwards on Mental Health

To identify needs of CYP who identify as LGBTQIA+ and establish recommendations for improvement of services

Anna Freud  LGBTQIA+ and MH guidance

PH CYP Supportive documentation

  • CYPMH Early Intervention and Prevention Programmes Toolkit Nov 2021 Event - Impact of Covid 19 and Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in Milton Keynes.


Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 - Communications Toolkit 

Trauma informed practice

PH CYP Supportive Document Adversity and Trauma June 2022

Enhance the local public health response to the mental health & wellbeing of children, young people & families

Rapid review to suspected suicides of CYP in MK

Page under construction

Self Harm Toolkit

Please follow this link to access the Self-Harm Toolkit.

Mental Health Leads in Schools HYPN items

Ensure high quality commissioning and delivery of health & Wellbeing services

Questionnaire for young people in BLMK on mental health advice and support

We are looking at what local mental health and wellbeing advice and information Children and Young people can access across Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. We would really appreciate it if you would be able to answer the following questions to help guide us to get the support right for your needs now in 2022

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy prevention framework Guidance for local teenage pregnancy prevention programmes to help young people avoid unplanned pregnancies and develop healthy relationships.

Teenage mothers and young fathers support framework Commissioners and service providers can use this framework as a multi-agency self-assessment tool to review local services, identify gaps in provision and look at the likely impact and effectiveness of each aspect of local support for young parents.

Pregnant Pupils Policy and Care Plan March 2022 This guidance has been produced to help schools support pregnant pupils and school age parents, to ensure that the young people are able to continue their education

Physical Activity and Early Years

coming soon

Supporting Child Poverty

coming soon

Holiday Activity Fund

coming soon

Period Products Available in Schools and Out of Schools Hours

Supporting Families

coming soon

Enhance access to resources and support that will help promote health & wellbeing of children, young people & families

Public Health: Health and Wellbeing Campaigns

Please visit the Mental Health and Wellbeing pages for more information around our current campaigns.

SEND Local Offer