Housing Development Monitoring

Please note: The data contained within the below documents relates to the monitoring of housing development across the borough prior to 31 March 2024; they do not form the council's position on future projected completions, nor the council's assessment of five-year housing land supply.

Every quarter site visits are conducted on all applications where a new dwelling is proposed. The progress of these sites are noted on a plot by plot basis and recorded on the Council's monitoring system. Reports and spreadsheets are then produced, some of which are reported to DLUHC, and published on the Council's Yearly Housing Statistics page.

Data will be published quarterly on this page.

Te reporting of data from Quarter 2 of the 2023-24 monitoring year has been delayed.  Please check this page for updates.

The monitoring year runs from 1 April to 31 March and contains four quarters.

Permitted developments

All applications that include a new dwelling (including change of use (COU) and conversions) are monitored from submission to decision.  The following spreadsheets show you the decisions made on these applications.

  • Status of Housing Applications - This spreadsheet shows all applications and their decisions over each monitoring year (1 April - 31 March).
  • Housing Mix of All Permitted Developments - This spreadsheet shows the bedroom mix of all the permitted developments by monitoring year. It covers years from 2019/20 up to the present quarter and also gives details of the tenure split for each development (developer sale and affordable housing).
  • Housing Mix of Permitted Major Developments (more detailed) - This more detailed spreadsheet gives details of the tenure split for each development (developer sale and affordable housing)along with a further split to sub-tenure of the affordable housing. Self and custom-build applications are also monitored here as is the monitoring of building control policy M4.
  • Prior Notifications- This spreadsheet shows all the permitted prior notification applications. Unlike planning permission and other consents, prior notification is a procedure whereby a developer must notify the planning authority of proposals before exercising permitted development rights. It is very important to keep a record of these developments as too many in one location (especially Central Milton Keynes) can result in the loss of too much office or retail space.
  • HMO Applications - This spreadsheet shows the outcome of planning applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation over the monitoring year.

Quarterly monitoring

Housing starts and completions in Milton Keynes are monitored quarterly. A 'start' is a plot that the developer has started to build and a 'completion' is a plot that the developer has finished building (the plot may not have reached legal completion).

The council's housing requirement for the monitoring year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 is 1,767 dwellings.  This monitoring year there have been 708 completions.

The last quarterly housing survey was undertaken at the end of June 2023.

Results for Quarter 4 of Monitoring Year 2023-2024:

708 Completions (0 demolitions) (173 Affordable)
362 starts (91 Affordable)
There are currently 2904 plots under construction.

  • Quarterly Housing Report - This report gives more detail about housing delivery in the borough of Milton Keynes. It is produced quarterly.
  • Housing Statistics - This spreadsheet gives the statistics from 1991 up to 2022.  This includes starts and completions for all years.
  • Housing Quarterly Factsheet - This factsheet breaks down the information gathered on site visits and gives insight into the developments happening in Milton Keynes. 
  • Affordable Housing - This spreadsheet contains the data for affordable housing delivery.
  • Developer Sale - This spreadsheet contains the data for all plots that are marked as developer sale, this also includes low cost sale and private plots, some of which may be self-build projects.

Further monitoring data

The following spreadsheets contain information that may be of interest.

Planning enquiries contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ