- St Johns Ambulance have provided a sample health and wellbeing policy which can be used as a template for any workplace.
Creating a workplace wellbeing policy
- ACAS provides advice on how to write a workplace Mental Health policy.
Creating a workplace wellbeing policy
The Public Health Workplace Health Team are working with local businesses and organisations across Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Milton Keynes to promote a healthy, productive and motivated workforce through the offer of FREE health and wellbeing services:
Why is this important? Leadership is key to workplace health and wellbeing. Leaders are responsible for creating a culture which supports employee health and wellbeing. There is clear evidence that productivity increases in organisations which show commitment to and value their workforce. The following resources provide information to improve health and wellbeing leadership in your workplace: Background evidence
Guidance documents and factsheets
Health needs assessment
The following services are available to support leadership in health and wellbeing in the workplace:
Why is this important?
Employee mental health underpins a productive and engaged workforce. Promoting good mental health at work is a key part of being a responsible employer who values the contribution of employees.
The Mental Health Foundation report that:
The following resources provide information to improve mental health and wellbeing in your workplace:
Workplace Volunteering
Financial wellbeing
The following mental health and wellbeing services are available to you and your employees locally:
Financial wellbeing
Stress in the workplace
Absence management is very important as it can negatively affect continuity, performance, moral and output. Good absence management shows your workforce you care.
The following resources provide information to manage absence in your workplace:
Advice to businesses to make reasonable adjustments for those with long term health conditions, mental health and learning disabilities from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Supporting employees working with long term health conditions and returning to work. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) information on sickness absence Guidance on sick leave and returning to work.
Advice for employers on sickness absence due to long covid from the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).
ACAS guidance on sick leave management and developing a sick leave policy.
Absence measurement and management factsheet from CIPD.
Government fit note guidance explains what to do if an employee provides a fit note.
Why is it important?
In Milton Keynes, Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire, between 10 and 13 people in every 1000 are living with alcohol dependence and between three and six people in every thousand are opiate and/or crack users. Many of these people have unmet needs which impacts on significant impact on crime, employment and safeguarding.
Drug and alcohol misuse has a big impact on the workplace. The Institute of Alcohol Studies (2019) surveyed a nationally representative sample of 3,400 British workers about how their work had been affected both by their own drinking. 42% had gone to work hungover or under the influence of alcohol and rated their performance at work to be 39% less effective than usual. Mistakes and accidents at work also increase for people under the influence of alcohol.
Regularly drinking more than the advised levels increases the risk of ill health, such as heart disease, diabetes and liver disease. Gambling addiction is a cruel mental health condition that can devastate people’s lives. A recent Government review found that gambling is linked to loss of concentration on work activities, showing up late, not turning up for work or turning up after no sleep. Close associates of gamblers also reported their work performance being affected, and work colleagues and employers also suffered
The following resources provide information to support employees with substance misuse issues in your workplace:
Drugs, alcohol and tobacco: A toolkit for employers from the Business in the Community (BITC).
Alcohol Change UK a charity which has an online hub offering fact sheets, quizzes, advice, help and support.
Lower My Drinking is a free confidential app for MK residents' that helps track drinking week-to-week so you can see your progress. The Lower My Drinking app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
Drink Aware provides a range of resources and support to help achieve a healthy lifestyle.
NHS Better Health Drink Less provides information and kits to reduce alcohol consumption including a downloadable App.
The following substance misuse services are available to you and your employees locally:
Path 2 Recovery (P2R) provide free drug and alcohol advice and support to workplaces in Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire, including policy development. The latest 2022-2023 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer brochure can be downloaded here.
Addiction Recovery Community (ARC MK) provide free substance misuse treatment and support for anyone living in Milton Keynes. The latest 2023-2024 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer brochure can be downloaded here.
Talk to FRANK. A confidential service providing information about drugs.
Support, Advice, Mentoring and Advocacy Service (SAMAS) supports long term recovery from drug and alcohol misuse. This service is run by a community led initiative.
Drug and alcohol family support (DAFS) – A Facebook group aimed to support parents and family members of loved ones suffering from addiction.
Why is it important?
The Health and Safety Executive (2020-2021) report that in recent years the rate of self-reported work-related ill health, including stress and anxiety, musculoskeletal disorders and occupational diseases, has increased. Despite a higher number of workplace injuries being reported, ill health contributes to a greater proportion of total costs to the workplace due to increased time off work.
Recent research on stress in the workplace (2020-2021 Mind Index Insights) found:
21% of employees called in sick to avoid workplace stress.
14% reported that they had resigned and 42% had considered resigning due to workplace stress.
30% of employees disagreed with the statement ‘I would feel able to talk openly with my line manager if I was feeling stressed’
56% of employers said they would like to do more to improve staff wellbeing but felt they didn’t have the right training or guidance
The following resources provide information to improve health and safety in your workplace:
General health and safety
Official HSE Health & Safety on the App Store (apple.com) The HSE app has been designed to help people better understand the law, their health and safety rights, and their responsibilities.
Publications and products (hse.gov.uk) offer a range of publications, toolkits and printable resources to support health and safety at work.
Managing good sleep for night workers, informs employers of their legal responsibilities for managing night workers.
HSE. Work related stress Information on and how to manage it.
CIPD A report on preventing stress with good manager behaviour.
Working Minds is a campaign by the HSE aimed at helping smaller businesses and workers, by joining the Work Right cause.
Supporting the mental health of self-employed construction workers, a study by the Institute for employment studies.
Domestic abuse resource
White Ribbon is the UK’s leading charity to end violence against women and girls. All organisations, large or small are able to become White Ribbon UK Accredited.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Information with practical advice on domestic violence and working from home
Domestic abuse toolkit for employers developed by Business in the Community (BITC)
Milton Keynes Council | Bedford Borough Council | Central Bedfordshire Council Local authority information on domestic abuse
Government guidance on domestic abuse and how to get help for victims.
Chrysalis Centre is a service to support people who live in Bedfordshire and display coercive and controlling behaviours. The programme challenges underlying abusive behaviours by providing education and support to enable healthy, safe and positive relationships. Click here for more information.
CIPD guidance for people professional on managing and supporting employees experiencing domestic abuse.
A BDAP Support Hub is an area in a public building that enables someone experiencing domestic abuse to be able to make a confidential call, use the internet safely to get help or to just be somewhere safe. If you are a workplace based in Bedfordshire and would like to offer a support hub please click here for more information.
Domestic abuse services
BRIDGE Project - The BRIDGE Project offers a structured behaviour change programme in Bedfordshire for individuals who have a history of being violent or abusive in a relationship, or have concerns regarding their behaviour, and want support changing this behaviour.
MK ACT is a charity that support residents of Milton Keynes who experience domestic abuse. Advice and support covers crisis intervention, accommodation, refuge, specialist support for children, counselling and much more.
MK ACT also offer workplace domestic abuse training
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership BDAP offers advice and information about domestic abuse. This includes a directory of local services for people living in Bedfordshire.
Victims First - is a service to support people who live in Bedfordshire and display coercive and controlling behaviours. The programme challenges underlying abusive behaviours by providing education and support to enable healthy, safe and positive relationships.
Musculoskeletal health
Musculoskeletal Health (MSK) Toolkit for Employers developed by the BITC.
Health and safety Executive (HSE). Working safely with display screen equipment.
Health and safety Executive (HSE). Manual handling at work.
The Musculoskeletal Health Toolkit for employers and further education colleges on how to support young adults. Produced by The Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) the British Society for Rheumatology and Supporting occupational health and wellbeing professionals (SOM)
Health Protection
The following Health and Safety services are available to you and your employees locally:
Musculoskeletal services
Connect Health is a provider for musculoskeletal health within MK.
Circle Bedfordshire is a provider of musculoskeletal services within Bedfordshire
Why is it important?
On average, obese people take four extra sick days per year (Harvey et al., 2010) which has implications for people’s health and the workplace. Research has shown (BMJ 20 17) substantial short-term and long-term costs to businesses from overweight or obese employees through absenteeism, presenteeism, indirect costs and productivity loss.
In Milton Keynes and Central Bedfordshire, the self-reported percentage of people overweight or obese is larger than the regional average at 66-70%. In Bedford Borough 63% of people report they are overweight or obese, similar to the regional average.
Being overweight or obese leads to an increased risk of many additional health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, back problems, respiratory complaints, cancers, eyesight problems and mental health challenges caused by low self-esteem, social exclusion and stigma.
Employees who are physically active take 27% fewer sick days than inactive employees (British Heart Foundation 2016). Physical inactivity is a high risk factor for ill health and mortality. People who have a physically active lifestyle have a 20-35% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and stroke as well as a reduced risk of diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and colon/breast cancer and have improved mental health.
The following resources provide information to promote healthy weight and physical activity in your workplace:
The following Healthy Eating and Physical Activity services are available to you and your employees locally
Why is it important?
Inclusion can benefit your business, not only to maintain talent as an employer but also to gain a better understanding of your customers. The more diverse your workforce is, the more customer and clients you’ll reach and the better and faster you’ll solve problems. Valuing your staff and giving them a sense of belonging and acceptance means employees will be eager to progress their career further in you company. Moreover, if you publicise your diversity and inclusion policies, more people are likely to want to join you.
The following resources provide information to improve inclusive employment in your workplace:
An ageing workforce
The following inclusive employment services are available to you and your employees locally:
Smoking is the most important cause of preventable ill health and death in the UK (PHE 2017/18). Over 13% of adults in Bedford Borough and Milton Keynes are smokers (2020). This is higher than the regional percentage. In Central Bedfordshire the percentage of smokers is similar to the regional average at 12.5% (2020)
The British Heart Foundation (2014) states that cigarette breaks cost employers £1,815 a year for each full-time worker who smokes. This significantly impacts on the business and the health of an employee as smokers generally have poorer health and take more sick days and are less productive than non-smokers (BMJ 2001).
The following resources provide information to reduce smoking and tobacco use in your workplace
The following Stop Smoking services are available to you and your employees locally