You may need to allow pop-ups for our website to open the document/s for viewing. Pop-up blockers on internet browsers can be disabled by adjusting the settings of the browser. Please note: To make comments you will need to register for an account. The logon details are not the same as our main Milton Keynes City Council website and will require a separate logon and password.
Before accessing our online planning register please read the following guidance.
Please note our online planning register is not accessible outside of the UK and Ireland.
You will need to register an account to access our online planning register (please note this account is different to the Milton Keynes City Council 'My Account').
If you wish to make longer comments, we advise you to draft these separately and then copy them into the comments box provided on the portal to ensure your session does not exceed the 30-minute time period. If experiencing any difficulties with our online planning register please contact us here.
Before making any comments, it is helpful to understand how the Council must handle and decide the planning applications it receives. The following information answers the commonly asked questions arising at various stages of the process, between receipt of the application and its determination. Read the guidance below before making your comments.