South East Milton Keynes

South East Milton Keynes Strategic Urban Extension (SEMK) is an allocation within Plan:MK, covering an area of land approximately 198 hectares in size encompassed by Tilbrook, Browns Wood and Wavendon to the north, Woburn Sands to the east, the Green Sands Ridge to the south, and Bow Brickhill to the west.
The site, under Policy SD11, allocates the land for around 3,000 homes, 7 Gypsy and Traveller pitches, and a range of social and green infrastructure provision. The SEMK Development Frame Work Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) explains what Milton Keynes Council expects to be considered with any planning application and the detailed information that needs to be submitted. The SPD establishes the following for the allocation site:
- Land uses
- Disposition of land uses
- Development principles
- Infrastructure delivery
This SPD would be a material consideration in any future planning applications for development of the SEMK allocation.
South East Milton Keynes - Strategic Urban Extension Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SEMK SPD) 2022
South East Milton Keynes - Strategic Urban Extension Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SEMK SPD) was adopted by Milton Keynes Council on 11 January 2022. The adopted SPD is available at the link below and details regarding the consultation on the draft document and the responses received during the consultation are outlined later on this page.
Adoption Statement for SEMK SPD
Letter of Agreement SEMK Urban Extension
The Delegated Decision report recommending adoption of the SPD is available to view at:
Delegated Decision Meeting 11 January 2022
The adoption of the SPD enables the implementation of Policies SD11 and SD10 within Plan:MK, and considers other relevant policies within the Local Plan (Plan:MK). The SPD has focused on the spatial distribution of strategic infrastructure and main land uses and it proposes:
- A residential-led mixed use development of approximately 3000 homes,
- Two education sites providing a total of seven forms of entry for secondary education and six forms of entry for primary education and early years provision,
- Two local centres, one of which will include a community reserve site,
- A primary option and a reserve option for the strategic movement network as part of a comprehensive network of transport infrastructure which promote active modes of travel, enable public transport to service the development, enable a future fast mass-transit system connection, and consider potential future railway crossings,
- A location for seven permanent pitches for Gypsies and Travellers,
- A comprehensive network of footpaths & cycleways, extending the Milton Keynes Redway network into the site and ensuring good connectivity to adjoining communities of Woburn Sands, Wavendon and Bow Brickhill, and
- A network of green infrastructure with indicated location for associated strategic sustainable drainage systems and open spaces through the site that connects to areas beyond it.
Consultation on the SEMK - Strategic Urban Extension Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Milton Keynes Council consulted on the Draft South East Milton Keynes - Strategic Urban Extension Development Framework (SPD) for a period of ten weeks, between 8 February and 19 April 2021, which was extended to 9 June 2021 to allow respondents to review EWR Co’s non-statutory consultation alongside the draft SEMK SPD.
Following the consultation period, all comments received were taken into consideration by the Council in finalising the SPD for adoption.
A copy of the draft SEMK SPD (1) which was consulted on can be viewed below, alongside a copy of the associated SEA Screening Statement (2) and a document which outlines all comments received during the consultation and an associated Officer response (3).
- Draft SEMK SPD September 2020
- Consultation Responses and Officer Responses to draft SEMK SPD
- SEA Screening Statement January 2021
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The following link answers some of the most frequently asked questions in relation to the SEMK allocation and SEMK Development Framework SPD:
Officers have provided two online Questions and Answers sessions. These were held on the following dates:
4 March 2021 6.00 to 7.00pm
- View the recording of the session - 4 March 2021
- View the presentation of this session - 4 March 2021
11 March 2021 1.00 to 2.00pm
- View the recording of the session - 11 March 2021
- View the presentation of this session - 11 March 2021
Stakeholder Engagement
South East MK Local Stakeholder Group
A South East MK Local Stakeholder Group has been established following meetings and workshops with the Danesborough Forum (see below) where it was agreed that a specific group be established with the purpose of discussing the development of South East MK. The group is likely to meet approximately once a month to discuss a range of issues associated with the development. Participation in the Local Stakeholder Group is without prejudice to that organisation’s or individual’s public position in regard to the principle of developing the South East MK allocation within Plan:MK. Papers for the meetings of Local Stakeholder Group are published below, including the Terms of Reference for the group.
16 November 2020 Meeting
- Agenda - Meeting 16 November
- Amended terms of reference - Meeting 16 November
- Presentation - Meeting 16 November
22 June 2020 Meeting
- Agenda - Meeting 22 June 2020
- Approved minutes - Meeting 22 June 2020
- Approved terms of reference - Meeting 22 June 2020
- Progress Report - Meeting 22 June 2020
- Concept Option 1
- Concept Option 2
16 October 2019 Meeting
25 July 2019 Meeting
27 June 2019 Meeting
Local Stakeholder Engagement
The Council has engaged with the local Danesborough Forum which is a group local parish and town councils and other local civic groups who represent communities in and around Aspley Guise, Aspley Heath, Bow Brickhill, Little Brickhill, Walton, Wavendon, and Woburn Sands. The aim of this engagement is to enable local community representatives information about the preparation of the Development Framework and to be informed on the preparation of associated technical work being undertaken to aid the preparation of the Development Framework. Officers from Milton Keynes Council have attended Danesborough Forum meetings during mid to late 2018, and workshops have been planned for January 2019 to discuss the aims and objectives for SEMK, taking into account other development sites within the area, such as the South Caldecotte Strategic Employment Allocation.
Papers of the meetings and workshops with the Danesborough Forum are published below.
SEMK Workshops, January 2019
- Draft Workshop Report
- Workshop 1 Programme 16 January
- Workshop 2 Programme 17 January
- Workshop Briefing Pack
Planning Cabinet Advisory Group Workshops
The first planning Cabinet Advisory Group (CAG) workshop on SE SUE MK took place on 25 August 2020. Details of the workshop and associated documents are available on MKC’s Modern.Gov system (direct link Planning CAG workshop 25082020).
Comments only on matters highlighted in the workshop around the principles for the SPD should be submitted by the 18 September 2020.
Bow Brickhill Over Bridge Engineering Feasibility Appraisal
The document published below is a draft output of ongoing wider work to analyse options for improving highway connectivity across the railway between the A5 and Woburn Sands in response to planned growth and additional rail services associated with East West Rail that will have an impact on existing level crossings in the area. The document below does not represent a project or proposal of the Council or any other bodies at this time, and forms only one element of a wider study that is still ongoing. In order to avoid misleading any person or persons, it therefore should not be reproduced or referenced without this wider explanatory context.
- Bow Brickhill Over Bridge Engineering Feasibility (PDF, 5.9MB)
V11 Tongwell Street Extension and Marston Vale Line Bridge Crossing Feasibility Report
This document is engineering advice to investigate the feasibility of extending V11 Tongwell Street southward from Elgar Grove/Britten Grove roundabout across the Marston Vale Line (MVL) railway to a development area to the south. This feasibility study considers the engineering required to create a dual carriageway from Browns Wood roundabout (where the V11 Tongwell duel carriageway section meets Bletcham Way) into the SEMK SUE.
Gypsy and Traveller sites in England
A review of the best practice, guidance and recent permissions in relation to Gypsy and Traveller sites in England can be found at the link below:
- Gypsy and Traveller sites in England (PDF, 290KB)