Current schemes

We design and develop schemes to plan for future developments and traffic flow. We also look at how road safety can be improved where issues have been identified. 

For Bridges and Structures projects click here

For Streetlighting schemes click here

These are some of the projects we are currently working on:

Monkston and Brinklow Roundabouts Consultation

We're planning some major improvements to these two roundabouts and would like to hear your thoughts about the options.

You can view the full presentation and provide feedback on the various options through our consultation page.

These improvements will help to manage future development and traffic level and Monkston and Brinklow roundabouts have been identified as areas that will see volumes of traffic increasing over the next few years and are already at capacity.

You can also view a short video clip showing the traffic modelling on our YouTube channel.


H5 Portway Road Safety Scheme

We'll start work from 16 September on a scheme to improve road safety on the H5 Portway between the V2 Tattenhoe Street and V3 Fulmer Street.  This stretch of the H5 has been identified after a history of collisions and near misses involving right turn movements. The aim of the scheme is to provide a safer environment for vehicles travelling on the H5, and to provide a safer exit from Flamstead Gate and Singleton Drive.

You can view the scheme plan here


New redway link, Tudor Gardens, Calverton End - work starts Autumn 2024

The consultation on the proposed Redway Link ended on 2 February 2024. We received 102 responses and have reviewed all of these as part of the process. 

You can read the full results report  here

To view any of the Appendices, click on the links below:

The original proposal was to create a Redway link between Fairfields and Stony Stratford that will allow cyclists and pedestrians to travel safely between these two areas and access the wider redway network. 

The link will go through Tudor Gardens, Calverton End using part of the existing footpath which will tie-in with the new Redway.  

To view the consultation documents, go to Consultations


H10 Bletcham Way - Grid Road Extension

From January 2024

As part of the approved planning application for the Church Farm development, an access road will be constructed from the H10 Bletcham Way to the Church Farm site. The access road is only suitable for this development and will be unsuitable to accommodate any future developments beyond the Church Farm site. 

However, a recently completed feasibility study has indicated that future development of this road is possible, which would mean upgrading the road to the standard and capacity of a grid road. This new grid road section would serve the new Church Farm site and any other future developments.  We've decided to construct this access road section of the H10 Bletcham Way to accommodate future traffic in this area. 

Due to the scale of the project, it has been divided into two phases: 

  1. Phase 1 – Construction of a temporary access road. Initial works on the construction of the main, new grid road section. 
  2. Phase 2 – Construction of the main Eastern extension of H10 Bletcham Way grid road which includes a new bridge over Byrd Crescent and a new enlarged roundabout. 


Phase 1  

Starts January until end May 2024 and includes:

  • Site clearance – remove some trees and vegetation.  
  • Ground investigation works – bore and trial holes to determine ground bearing capacity. 
  • Reconstruct junction Gregorie's Drive with Bryd Crescent 
  • Construct new temporary road.  
  • Footway on east side of Byrd Crescent will remain open to pedestrians.  
  • Redway and bridleway within the area of works will need to be suspended on safety grounds, signed diversion. 
  • Buses on diversion 
  • Local vehicular access maintained. 
  • Emergency vehicle access maintained at all times. 


Phase 2  

Autumn 2024 for approx. 18 months duration and includes:

  • Construction of H10 Bletcham Way Extension 
  • New roundabout installed 
  • New Bridge over Bryd Crescent 
  • Extensive landscaping works / replacement of trees 
  • Noise bunds and barriers  
  • Extension of redways and footways 
  • Service diversions 

All the plans relating to the H10 extension may be viewed below:

H10 Extension scheme drawings - construction

H10 Extension - overview drawings

Gregories Drive

Byrd Crescent

Byrd Crescent - redway 

Footway and Bridleway Closures

Bus Diversions

Copy of letter to residents



Blue Lagoon Redway


This is a large and complex scheme so it has been divided into four phases. This is a complicated scheme as there are several landowners involved and ecological factors so the design and planning stage has taken longer.

Section 1 was completed in 2021 when a pedestrian crossing was constructed on Drayton Road along with a section of redway to connect the Lakes Estate with the rest of the network across MK.

Sections 3 and 4 will start in 2023, linking the redway from the Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve to Water Eaton Road, following planning permission being granted in November 2022. The works consists of 900 metres of new redway and improvements to the Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve Car Park; an additional 15 car parking spaces will be provided. 

Site clearance works began on 16 January and should be completed by the end of February.

The main works to Section 3 will start in March 2023 and will run until June. A badger set was discovered in Section 4; the set is to be closed in July and this will delay the start of the main works in Section 4 until August. It is hoped that all works will be completed in December. Construction traffic will access the site via tunnels under the mainline railway off Drayton Road and Barton Road.

To provide a safe working area, it will be necessary to:

· Close part of Footpath No.27 (Bletchley) south of Water Eaton Road

· Close part of Footpath No.28 (Bletchley) from Barton Road through the tunnel for the duration of the works (Jan- Dec).

· Close the concrete access road and the Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve Car Park for the duration of Section 3 (March-June).

As a result, the eastern part of the Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve near the railway line will be closed during the works. The western part of the Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve near the lakes will remain open. Access to the western part of the Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve will be pedestrian only as the concrete access road and car park will be closed during Section 3 works (March-June).

Section 2 is the link to the Newton Leys area which will be constructed in the future, subject to available funding.


H4 Dansteed Way (V4-V5) road safety scheme

Starts 9 January 2023 - Completed

We'll be starting work here to close the right turn gaps on the H4 Dansteed Way onto The High Street or Kensington Drive, Two Mile Ash and Great Holm. This location has been identified as having above average collisions so as the highway authority, we have a duty to take action to improve safety for all users.

The scheme will also improve the crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists at the Kensington Drive junction.

Works should take between 8-10 weeks to complete and during this time it will be necessary to temporarily close sections of the road and redway.

You can view the plans of the scheme by clicking on the links below:

Letter to residents (copy)

Scheme plan 1

Scheme plan 2

Scheme plan 3

Scheme plan 4

Scheme plan 5

Scheme plan 6

Notification of works


New Bradwell Streetlighting Scheme

Several terraced streets have streetlights attached to the front of houses rather than lampposts. To bring these areas into line with current regulations, we are working with Western Power Distribution (now National Grid) to disconnect these lights and install lamp columns with LED lanterns. 

These streets are: Caledonian Street, Wallace Street, Wood Street, St Mary Street, School Street, King Edward Street and Queen Anne Street.

School Street will be a pilot scheme works starting late 2022/January 2023. The remaining streets will be started in phases from February/March 2023. As part of the scheme, we'll also be carrying out other minor works such as weeding, cleaning gullies, refreshing road markings and fixing signs.

For more information, read our Frequently Asked Questions on this scheme.