Standard 3: Understand health and safety and healthy care Document 3.0 TSD Induction Standard - Outline (doc, 32.5 KB) Document 3.1 Following Health and Safety Legislation (doc, 32 KB) Document 3.2a Avoiding Hazards (doc, 29.5 KB) Document 3.2b Potential Hazards Activity (pdf, 171.45 KB) Document 3.2c Preventing the Spread of Infections Activity (doc, 27.5 KB) Document 3.2d Our Family Fire Policy (doc, 28 KB) Document 3.3a What is Healthy Care Activity (doc, 27.5 KB) Document 3.3b Health and Hygiene Activity (doc, 31 KB) Document 3.3c Reducing Risk and Promoting Health Activity (doc, 28.5 KB) Document 3.3d How to Access Medical Treatment Activity (doc, 29 KB) Document 3.3e Health and Consent Activity (doc, 29.5 KB) Document 3.4a Risk Assessment (doc, 28.5 KB) Document 3.4b Challenging Behaviour (doc, 39 KB) Document 3.4c Managing Challenging Behaviour Activity (doc, 30 KB) Document CWDC Induction Standards Training Format for Standard 3 (pdf, 64.22 KB) Document Health and Safety Checklist (doc, 224.5 KB)