Plan:MK Evidence Base

Plan:MK Evidence Base

Plan:MK Submission Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/SUB/001 Proposed Submission Plan:MK (October 2017) 
MK/SUB/002 Plan:MK Regulation 22 Statement 
MK/SUB/003 Regulation 18 Draft Plan:MK Consultation Statement 

Plan:MK Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications (2018) 

MK/SUB/004a1 Plan:MK Schedule of Proposed Modifications Appendix I.1 (March 2018) 
MK/SUB/004a2 Plan:MK Schedule of Proposed Modifications Appendix I.2 (March 2018) 

Plan:MK Schedule of Proposed Additional Modifications (2018) 


Plan:MK Schedule of Proposed Policies Maps Modifications (2018) 

MK/SUB/005 Plan:MK Sustainability Appraisal (October 2017) 
MK/SUB/005a Plan:MK Sustainability Appraisal Update Note (June 2018) 
MK/SUB/006 Plan:MK Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (October 2017) 
MK/SUB/007 Habitats Regulation Assessment of Plan:MK (October 2017) 
MK/SUB/008 Plan:MK Duty to Cooperate Statement (March 2018) 
MK/SUB/009 Equalities Impact Assessment Screening Report (November 2017) 
MK/SUB/010 Proposed Submission Plan:MK Policies Map: Schedule of new and deleted designations (October 2017) 
MK/SUB/011 MK Statement of Community Involvement (March 2014) 
MK/SUB/012 Plan:MK Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (October 2014) 
MK/SUB/013 Plan:MK Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report (February 2017) 
MK/SUB/014 MK Local Development Scheme 2017-2020 
MK/SUB/015a  Plan:MK Policies Map Sheet 1
MK/SUB/015b Plan:MK Policies Map Sheet 2 
MK/SUB/015c Plan:MK Policies Map Sheet 3 
MK/SUB/015d Plan:MK Policies Map Sheet 4 
MK/SUB/015e Plan:MK Policies Map Sheet 5 
MK/SUB/015f Plan:MK Policies Map Inset Map Sheet 

Plan:MK Background Evidence Documents

Topic Papers

Document ID Document Name
MK/TOP/001 Employment Land Topic Paper (March 2018) 
MK/TOP/002 Housing Land Supply Topic Paper (March 2018) 
MK/TOP/003 Transport Topic Paper (March 2018) 

Housing Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/HOU/001 Housing Market Areas in Bedfordshire and Surrounding Areas - Report of Findings (December 2015) 
MK/HOU/002 Nationally Described Space Standards Study (August 2017) 
MK/HOU/003 MK Settlement Boundary Study (November 2017) 
MK/HOU/003a MK Settlement Boundary Study Final Version (October 2018) 
MK/HOU/004 MK Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017 Report 
MK/HOU/004a1 MK Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Appendix 1 - Table 1 
MK/HOU/004a1 MK Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Appendix 1 - Table 2 
MK/HOU/004a1 MK Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Appendix 1 - Table 3 
MK/HOU/004a1 MK Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Appendix 1 - Table 4 
MK/HOU/005 MK Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2016-2031 (February 2017) 
MK/HOU/006 MK Urban Capacity Study (February 2017) 
MK/HOU/006a1 MK Urban Capacity Study Sites 1-58 
MK/HOU/006a1 MK Urban Capacity Study Sites 59-117 
MK/HOU/007 Residential Characterisation Study: An Evidence Base for Plan:MK (March 2017) 
MK/HOU/008 RegenerationMK 2030: A Regeneration Strategy for MK 2015-2030 
MK/HOU/009 Brownfield Register 2017 
MK/HOU/010 Site Allocation Plan - Inspector's Report 
MK/HOU/010a1 Site Allocation Plan - Schedule of Main Modifications 

Employment Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/EMP/001 MK Economic Growth and Employment Land Study - Technical Analysis Report (November 2015) 
MK/EMP/002 MK Economic Growth and Employment Land Study - Delivery Strategy Report (November 2015) 
MK/EMP/003 MK Employment Land Study, Supply and Demand - Partial Update (June 2017) 
MK/EMP/004 Local Economic Assessment 2016 
MK/EMP/005 MK Economic Development Strategy 2017-2027 
MK/EMP/006 MK Skills Strategy - Evidence Base Report (January 2016) 
MK/EMP/007 MK Skills Strategy - Framework Document (January 2016) 
MK/EMP/008 Bidwells: Our View on M1 South Industrial (Spring 2018) 
MK/EMP/009 Bidwells: Our View on M1 South Offices (Spring 2018) 

Retail Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/RET/001 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Main Report (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a1 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 1 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a2 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 2 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a3 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 3 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a4 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 4 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a5 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 5 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a6 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 6 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a7 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 7 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a8 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 8 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a9 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 9 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a10 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 10 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a11 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 11 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a12 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 12 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a13 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 13 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a14 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 14 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a15 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 15 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a16 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 16 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a17 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 17 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a18 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 18 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/001a19 MK Retail Capacity and Leisure Study - Appendix 19 (March 2018) 
MK/RET/002 MK Hotel Study (March 2018) 
MK/RET/003 MK Retail Capacity Update Final Report (August 2011) 
MK/RET/004 Intu MK Planning Appeal Decision (July 2017) 

Infrastructure and Viability Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/INF/001 MK Local Investment Plan 2015 
MK/INF/002 MK Digital Strategy 2018-2025 
MK/INF/003 National Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016-2021 
MK/INF/004 National Infrastructure Commission: Partnering for Prosperity A new deal for the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Arc 
MK/INF/005 SEMLEP Infrastructure Investment Plan 
MK/INF/006 MK Whole Plan Viability Study (November 2017) 

Transport Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/TRA/001 MKC Mobility Strategy 2018-2036 (March 2018) 
MK/TRA/002 MKMMM Local Model Validation Report (June 2017) 
MK/TRA/002a1 MKMMM Local Model Validation Report Appendices (June 2017)
MK/TRA/002a2 MKMMM Local Model Validation Report - Technical Note (June 2017) 
MK/TRA/003 MKMMM Traffic Forecasting Report (November 2017)
MK/TRA/003a1 MKMMM Traffic Forecasting Report Appendices (November 2017) 
MK/TRA/004 MKMMM Impacts of Plan:MK (November 2017) 
MK/TRA/004a1 MKMMM Impacts of Plan:MK - Figures (November 2017)
MK/TRA/005 Local Transport Plan 3 for MK 2011-2031 - Main Report (April 2011) 
MK/TRA/005a1 Local Transport Plan 3 for MK 2011-2031 - Review Addendum 1 (June 2012) 
MK/TRA/005a2 Local Transport Plan 3 for MK 2011-2031 - Appendices A - F (April 2011) 
MK/TRA/005a3 Local Transport Plan 3 for MK 2011-2031 - Annex A (April 2011) 
MK/TRA/005a4 Local Transport Plan 3 for MK 2011-2031 - Annex B (March 2011) 
MK/TRA/006 Bus Strategy (December 2008) 
MK/TRA/007 Lorry Management Strategy (October 2009) 
MK/TRA/007a1 Lorry Management Strategy Figure 1 (October 2009) 
MK/TRA/008 Cycling Strategy for MK (April 2013)
MK/TRA/008a1 Cycling Strategy for MK Consultation Responses Annex (April 2013) 
MK/TRA/009 Parking Strategy for CMK (November 2013) 
MK/TRA/010 Walking Strategy (February 2003)

Environment and Open Space Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/ENV/001 MK Landscape Sensitivity Study to Residential Development (October 2016) 
MK/ENV/002 MK Landscape Character Assessment (June 2016) 
MK/ENV/002a1 MK Landscape Character Assessment Figures (June 2016) 
MK/ENV/003 MK Landscape Sensitivity to Wind Turbine and Solar PV Development Study (June 2016) 
MK/ENV/003a1 MK Landscape Sensitivity to Wind Turbine and Solar PV Development Figures (June 2016) 
MK/ENV/004 Energy Mapping Study (January 2018) 
MK/ENV/005 Imagine MK2050 Strategy (August 2017)
MK/ENV/006 MK Smart: A Water Strategy for Milton Keynes (January 2016) 
MK/ENV/007 MK Green Infrastructure Strategy (March 2018)
MK/ENV/008 Forward to 2020: Bucks and MK Biodiversity Action Plan (January 2015) 
MK/ENV/009 Vision and Principles for the Improvement of Green Infrastructure in Bucks and MK (September 2016) 
MK/ENV/010 Buckinghamshire and MK Regional Air Quality Strategy 2006 
MK/ENV/011 Biodiversity and Planning in Buckinghamshire (March 2014) 
MK/ENV/012 Public Open Space: Management Framework for MK 2013-2023 
MK/ENV/013 MK Play Area Action Plan: 2013-2023 
MK/ENV/014 MK Open Space Assessment (March 2018) 
MK/ENV/014a1 MK Open Space Maps
MK/ENV/015 MK 2017 Air Quality Annual Status Report (June 2017) 

Water Cycle / Flooding Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/FLO/001 MK Surface Water Management Plan - Report (April 2016) 
MK/FLO/001a1 MK Surface Water Management Plan - Appendix A 
MK/FLO/001a2 MK Surface Water Management Plan - Appendix B 
MK/FLO/001a3 MK Surface Water Management Plan - Appendix C 
MK/FLO/001a4 MK Surface Water Management Plan - Appendix D 
MK/FLO/002 MK Water Cycle Study (February 2018) 
MK/FLO/003 MK Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (April 2015) 
MK/FLO/004 MK Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (February 2016) 

Community, Culture, Education and Health Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/COM/001 MK Sport and Active Communities Strategy 2014-2023 (March 2014) 
MK/COM/001a1 MK Sport and Active Communities Strategy 2014-2023 - Executive Summary (March 2014) 
MK/COM/001a2 MK Sport and Active Communities Strategy 2014-2023 - Facilities Section (March 2014) 
MK/COM/001a3 MK Sport and Active Communities Strategy 2014-2023 - Facilities Appendices 1-6 (March 2014) 
MK/COM/002 Playing Pitch Strategy (March 2015) 
MK/COM/002a1 Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendices (March 2015) 
MK/COM/003 MK Creative and Cultural Strategy 2018-2027 
MK/COM/004 MK Healthy Weight Strategy 2014-2019 MD
MK/COM/005 Physical Activity Framework for MK 2015-2020 (March 2015) 
MK/COM/006 School Place Planning: Forward View 2017-2018 (November 2017) 
MK/COM/007 MK Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2018 
MK/COM/008 Health Inequalities in Milton Keynes (September, 2015) MD
MK/COM/009 JSNA 2015/16 MD
MK/COM/010 Public Art - A Milton Keynes Approach 
MK/COM/011 Western Expansion Area Public Art - Commissioning Plan 
MK/COM/012 Western Expansion Area Public Art Plan 

Miscellaneous Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/MIS/001 MK Futures 2050 Report 
MK/MIS/002 UK Smart Cities Index 2017 
MK/MIS/003 MK Core Strategy (July 2013) 
MK/MIS/004 Centre for Cities Report - Milton Keynes: Where have we been? Where are we going? (October 2015)
MK/MIS/005 New City Place, MK - Brochure (May 2018) 
MK/MIS/006 SEMLEP South East Midlands Strategic Economic Plan
MK/MIS/007 SEMLEP Business Survey 2017: Milton Keynes Council Report (September 2017) (PDF, 1.4MB)
MK/MIS/008 MK Population Bulletin 2016/17 (January 2017) 
MK/MIS/009 Council Plan 2016-2020 

National / Regional Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/NAT/001 Localism Act (2011) 
MK/NAT/002 The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 
MK/NAT/003 National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) 

Statements of Common Ground: Strategic Site Allocations

Document ID Document Name
MK/SOCG/001 MKE SUE Statement of Common Ground between MKC and Berkeley 
MK/SOCG/001a MKE SUE Statement of Common Ground between MKC and Berkeley appendix 
MK/SOCG/002 SE SUE Statement of Common Ground between MKC and Gallagher/Gladman and O&H Properties 
MK/SOCG/003 South Caldecotte Statement of Common Ground between MKC and Hampton Brook 

Plan:MK Examination Documents

Document ID Document Name
MK/EXAM/001 CMK Alliance Neighbourhood Plan 2026 (October 2014) 
MK/EXAM/001a CMK Alliance Neighbourhood Plan - Examiner's Report (April 2014) 
MK/EXAM/002 MK Site Allocations Plan Inspector's Report 
MK/EXAM/003 Plan:MK Duty to Cooperate Statement - Addendum (June 2018) 
MK/EXAM/004 Draft Plan:MK Infrastructure Delivery Plan (June 2018) 
MK/EXAM/005 Conceptual Plan of Mass Transit Route (June 2018) 
MK/EXAM/006 Statement by MKDP to accompany the Development 'Roadmap' for Campbell Park Northside (July 2018) 
MK/EXAM/006a Site Plan attached to Statement by MKDP to accompany the Development 'Roadmap' for Campbell Park Northside (July 2018) 
MK/EXAM/006b Campbell Park Northside Development Brief Roadmap 
MK/EXAM/007 Central Bedfordshire Pre-submission Local Plan 2015-2035 (reg19) 
MK/EXAM/008 MK Site Allocations Plan (Adoption Version) 
MK/EXAM/008a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the MK Site Allocations Plan - SA Statement (July 2018)
MK/EXAM/009 Olney Neighbourhood Plan 
MK/EXAM/010 Woburn Sands Neighbourhood Plan
MK/EXAM/011 Newport Pagnell Neighbourhood Plan 
MK/EXAM/012 Savills - Chronology of Plan:MK and Central Beds Local Plan 
MK/EXAM/013 MKC Response to Hearing Questions on EEFM 
MK/EXAM/014 Inspectors Revised NPPF Note (July 2018) 
MK/EXAM/015 Log of Action Points Arising From Stage One Plan:MK Examination Hearing Discussions
MK/EXAM/016 SHLAA Pro-formas for Shortlisted MK Edge Sites 

Correspondence between MKC and Historic England regarding proposed modifications to policy SD15 for Eaton Leys 


Written statement from Historic England which outlines their objections and support for the Council’s proposed modifications to policy SD15 

MK/EXAM/017b Proposed changes to the Policies Map to address Historic England's objection regarding the Scheduled Monument of Magiovinium 
MK/EXAM/018 Indicative Timetable for the Delivery of MK:U on Block B4 in CMK 

Clarification on the Delivery Strategy for Tickford Fields and update on Capacity 

MK/EXAM/020a MKC response to Milton Keynes East (MKE) Housing Trajectory Scenario (AP24) 
MK/EXAM/020b MKC and Lichfields agreed response to AP24 
MK/EXAM/021 MKC note on CMK Renaissance (AP36) -1/2 
MK/EXAM/022a Train Services between Bletchley to Woburn Sands and Milton Keynes Central (AP28) 
MK/EXAM/022b Train Services between Woburn Sands to Bletchley and Milton Keynes Central (AP28) 
MK/EXAM/023 The Programme for Estate Regeneration (AP12) 
MK/EXAM/024a MKC note on Midsummer Boulevard East (AP36) - 2/2 
MK/EXAM/024b Indicative Concept Proposal for Midsummer Boulevard East 

MKC to Clarify the Developable areas at Campbell Park (AP31) 

MK/EXAM/026 MKC Proposed Modification to Clarify the Purpose of Policy ER11 (AP32) 

Clarification of the City Centre Boundary map (Fig 1) for the purposes of Sequential Test (AP34) 

MK/EXAM/028 MKC Proposed Modification to Clarify the Purpose of Policy ER19 (AP35) 
MK/EXAM/029 Chronology of Transport Modelling with Central Bedfordshire Council (AP1) 
MK/EXAM/030 MKC Letter to Request Main Modifications 
MK/EXAM/031 Government Response to Partnering for Prosperity: A new deal for the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Arc